lunes, 4 de abril de 2016

Extra Listening

  1. What countries did Mitch visit?
  2. Why did Mitch have to go to London?
  3. What does Mitch do?
  4. What did they do in Spain?
  5. What kind of food did they eat in Zurich?
  6. What is Switzerland known for?
  7. How did they get around?
  8. What was the weather like in Switzerland?
  9. Where did they stay in London?
  10. What did they see in London?

1. England, Switzerland and Spain
2. For work
3. A civil engineer. He builds bridges.
4. Visited their friends (Brittany and Roberto) and they ate tapas. They visited the Sagrada familia in Barcelona.
5. Mostly Italian food. 
6. Fondue/Cheese
7. Swiss transportation system or walked
8. It was snowing and cold.
9. By Hyde Park in an Airbnb
10. Bridges and Big Ben

domingo, 3 de abril de 2016

Countable and Uncountable nouns

Hi everyone! I hope you had a nice Easter holiday and that you are ready to get back to class this week. We talked about countable and uncountable nouns on our last day of class, but here are a few videos to jog your memory since it has been a while.

A few pages to go over much vs. many here, here, here  and here.

miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2016


1. ______% of Americans have a phobia.

2. We can fear situations, places, animals or _________.

3. If the anxiety is very intense it can result in a panick ___________.

4. The most common specific phobia is fear of _________.

5. Many specific phobias are relatively __________ to avoid.

6. Specific phobias often begin in __________.

7. A child will probably develop a fear if his ___________ also have this fear.

8. Treatment for the therapy can involve cognitive behavioural therapy, exposure therapy,   __________ techniques, anxiety management or medication.

9. Treatment helps patients to ___________ their anxiety and overcome their fears.

10. If you or someone you know is affected by a specific you should consult a mental health ____________.

1. 10
2. objects
3. attack
4. animals
5. simple
6. childhood
7. parents
8. relaxation
9. reduce
10. professional


domingo, 7 de febrero de 2016


How well do you know the counties and countries in the U.K. or the American states?

When a handful of Brits were asked to label the states in the U.S. this was the result:

When several Americans were asked to label European countries the results were equally disastrous.

While it's true that not all Americans and Brits are totally clueless when it comes to geography; it is definitely something that we tend to forget if we haven't looked at a map since 5th grade social studies lessons.

Don't let that happen to you! Here are a few websites with interactive geography games:

You don't have to limit yourself to these English-speaking countries...

lunes, 25 de enero de 2016

February Exams: What to take into account

Hi there!

The February test is just around the corner, so if you are a little bit unsure of how the exam works, here are the different aspects you should pay attention to:

1. What you should be able to do (at the end of the year): Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation Criteria

2. How we evaluate your performance: Marking Criteria

Marking Criteria

3. How the exam goes: Exam Timing and Structure

Exam Timing and Structure


Practice pronunciation here 

Practice present perfect

Video explanation of present perfect
Video explanation of yet/already

Grammar exercises
Grammar exercises 2
Grammar exercises 2

domingo, 10 de enero de 2016


Hey everyone!

I thought I'd share some popular children's and young adult book authors with you because, as you already know, reading in English is one of the most enjoyable ways to expand your vocabulary and improve your language skills. When you started reading in Spanish, I'm sure you didn't start with Cervantes. The same goes for English! Start with adapted readers or children's books and then work your way up.

Shel Silverstein

Poems are great because you can read them in one sitting and they can even be helpful for practicing pronunciation, intonation and rhythm when speaking!

Roald Dahl

J.K. Rowling

This is probably still a bit difficult for Basic 2, but I had to include it! 

Lois Lowry